The Coach’s
S.T.O.R.Y. TO SCALE Formula

LIVE! Virtual Event

How to Unlock the Power Of Your Personal Story to Attract Clients Who Were Always Meant to Work With You








THURSDAY, MAY 19th | 8:00am-4:00pm PDT
FRIDAY, MAY 20th | 8:00am-4:00pm PDT
SATURDAY, MAY 21st  | 8:00am-2:00pm PDT

How to Unlock the Power Of Your Personal Story to Attract Clients Who Were Always Meant to Work With You


Welcome to The Coach’s S.T.O.R.Y. to Scale Formula LIVE! I’m beyond excited you’re here.

Something drew you. Let’s explore.

This immersive event is for you if any of the following resonate:


I’m a driven entrepreneur or creative seeking more visibility so I can share my creations, my message, my services to reach a bigger audience, in a more compelling way. I’m fired up to make more impact. But I don’t know how to be vulnerable — let alone publicly!


I used to be creative. Somewhere along the line I lost myself. I spent so much time serving others — family, bosses, clients, even friends — I stopped making time for me. I want my mojo back!


I know in my heart I’ve got a story inside me that’s busting to get out. I feel it. I just don’t know where to start — or which story to tell. I’ve got an instinct it’ll help heal me, and give me direction for next steps. I’m at a crossroads in my business and life. I’m open.


I have a great story, but it seems to fall flat when I tell or post it. I know personal story will help me with my goals and dreams. How can I improve my writing fast so I can move people to action? I want proven, highly effective yet easy tips, frameworks, techniques. I don’t have time for more.

If any of the above examples feel like you — then you’re in the right place!


Let me be your Witness, your Catalyst, and your Guide to get you where you want to go.

Why should you trust me? Good question!

Well. I’ve been in the story business since 1995.

Building a successful story business that deeply serves others and also supports me and my dreams.
Drawing out your authentic voice and unique stories. 
Publishing my own.
I am even blessed to have a Los Angeles Times bestseller.

I know the way to powerful story from inside and out. 

Yes, but — why is there a nearly naked picture of you — with all this weird body paint? Do I have to do that to participate in this event?

Ha! Good question!

Because I stand for Raw and Real, I believe that I should have the courage to embody it for you. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to inspire and awaken you and your gifts. To give you the courage and permission to unleash your true Raw and Real self. So I am sharing a photo that’s uncomfortable for me.

There’s a story behind it. Of course. In brief (I’ll share more about it at the event) — I lived for 18 years in Topanga Canyon. It was the longest I’ve lived anywhere. The first place I felt I truly belonged. In 2016, I had to leave.

I was heartbroken. Panicked. Disoriented. Who was I?

Instead of looking for another place, I decided to push myself. Expand. I became a digital nomad for a year, without a home base. I wanted to ask these questions:

Who am I without my stuff?
What is home?
How can I create success wherever I go, through creativity and personal story?

This photo marks a ceremonial bodypainting that celebrates and honors the 18 years in the canyon, and also represents rebirth. Transition. Nakedness. It was time to reinvent myself.

I bring all of me to this event. All of my experience, my simple techniques and trainings, a flow of days that will give you the tools, blueprint and path for your own creative power and blossoming and rebirth — and my heart.

I hope to see you there!


Join me virtually for this
EXCLUSIVE 3-day Event

for Entrepreneurs, Healers and Coaches as well as Authors, Speakers — and People Who Desire To Be!


Day 1

Start with the Raw…the story behind who you are and why that matters
Tame the Messaging into a Concise Authentic Brand that Magnetically Atttacts your Ideal Client


Day 2

Obtain right-fit clients easily by unlocking the power of your story in your marketing
The Riches of Your Story: Income and impact multipliers…the secret of the compelling offer that serves


Day 3

Your “Real S.T.O.R.Y. of Impact”:  The Secret to Leveraging Your Story to Attract Clients and Make an Impact on Social, Stage and Page

© Copyright 2025. Rachel Resnick. All rights reserved.